Tuesday, August 11, 2020

+601128947606 conned girl into raw sex

Conned girl in to having raw sex then refuse to compensate the girl as he has promised earlier.  
A Malay scumbag also member of Cicakros telegram group.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Wechat ID trsc1906 Robbed Escort Girls and Physical Assault

This guy has physically assaulted escort girl causing her to have bruises all over body, robbed the girl ran away with cash RM3500.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

+601139981734 Book and bounce multiple times

Officially being blacklisted  in the industry for multiple bookings and  bounced more than 5 times. A troll we would catch and break his fingers.
Mobile no.: +601139981734

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

+60169599920 Hing forced meth on girl then raped her without paying

Criminal's Full Name: Yew Yong Hing
Nickname: Ah Hing/Heng
Contact No.: +60169599920
Booked our girl, forced the girl to take meth then raped her without paying while she's under influence of substance.

+60148046798 paid fake money

Paid our escort girl with fake notes at multiple booking sessions. +60148046798

+60168767990 and +60163325268 stolen girl's money and ran

Ran away with stolen cash from our escort girl a total of RM12000, leaving the devastating girl behind. +60168767990 and +60163325268

+6012982122 local police officer threaten for a free meal or else he will arrest

Threaten our company to provide unlimited free escort services or else he will make false accusation for arrest. +6012982122

+6014736605 and +0193069507

Black list for empty booking multiple times at each different agency.

+60133002144 Robbed girl's money while in-call

Booked in-call services and while at it robbed our escort total of 6000 ringgit.

+6012474927 stolen call-girl's money

Stolen cash of 2500 ringgit from our call-girl while the escort isn't paying attention. +6012474927

+60175772376 Tarmizi

Suspect name is Mohd. Tarmizi +60175772376 Trying to book escort call-girl to Swiss Garden Residence then torture girkl by beating her then call the police for home invasion. Had already blacklisted in previous cases in another company for similar crime.

+60149530490 Salleh

Suspecious Malay guy. Booking for fun +60149530490 - Salleh

Friday, January 3, 2020

+60175772376 Police officer - Mohd Tarmizi Out-call 20/12

Abuse out-call as bait. Polis Diraja Malaysia 20th Dec Suspect: Mohd Tarmizi +60175772376

+60145599555 local Indian rape and robbery 3/1

Raped without protection and robbed the same victim after. 3rd Jan 2020 Contact no. +60145599555